NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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Naive permutation - I go by our grey cup for my pal, a #NNNGM #117

Open railsagainstignorance opened 4 years ago

railsagainstignorance commented 4 years ago

Hi, inspired by the Wired article, which mentioned Nick Montfort's blog post, which mentioned your NaNoGenMo initiative, here is a stab at #NNNGM (Nano-NaNoGenMo).

The generated novel is permute.txt.

The code which generated it is An overview of the algorithm is in the script comments.

It's all in this repo.

railsagainstignorance commented 4 years ago

a snippet of the full text. There's a teensy bit of Green Eggs and Ham going on, which was the original inspiration, but so little code to play with that it became a simple matter of iterating through all permutations (or is that combinations?).

 I go by our grey cup of your dog.
 I go by our grey cup of your set.
 I go by our grey cup for my pal.
 I go by our grey cup for my owl.
 I go by our grey cup for my bud.
 I go by our grey cup for my dog.
 I go by our grey cup for my set.
 I go by our grey cup for your pal.
 I go by our grey cup for your owl.
 I go by our grey cup for your bud.
 I go by our grey cup for your dog.
 I go by our grey cup for your set.
 We ran to the red egg of my pal.
 We ran to the red egg of my owl.
 We ran to the red egg of my bud.
 We ran to the red egg of my dog.
 We ran to the red egg of my set.
 We ran to the red egg of your pal.
 We ran to the red egg of your owl.
 We ran to the red egg of your bud.
 We ran to the red egg of your dog.
 We ran to the red egg of your set.
 We ran to the red egg for my pal.
 We ran to the red egg for my owl.
nickmontfort commented 4 years ago

NIce! Also see Gysin's permutation poems, e.g. this poem.