NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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Thanksgiving #121

Open leonardoflores opened 4 years ago

leonardoflores commented 4 years ago

This perl script generates a 50,000+ novel about Thanksgiving.

Huge thanks to Nick Montfort, who provided the inspiration with his Nano-NaNoGenMo spinoff concept, which lowered the technical bar enough for me to adapt Milton Läufer's code for "A Plot."

Here's the code: perl -e 'sub n{(split/ /,"cobbler pies turkey beer wine stuffing dressing cranberry eggnog ham pecans casserole pumpkin squash dessert cordial")[rand 16]}print"Thanksgiving\nLeo Flores\n\nWe had ".n;for(;$i<26000;$i++){print" and ".n}print" and popped.\n"'

Here's sample output in 3 formats: NNNGM Thanksgiving.docx NNNGM Thanksgiving.pdf NNNGM Thanksgiving.txt

And here's an excerpt:

Thanksgiving Leo Flores

We had pecans and turkey and casserole and dressing and stuffing and pies and dessert and dessert and ham and pecans and turkey and pumpkin and cranberry and squash and pecans and stuffing and wine and beer and squash and casserole and cobbler and pecans and cranberry and cordial and pumpkin and pumpkin and pies and dressing and pumpkin and cordial and wine and casserole and casserole and ham and beer and casserole and eggnog and casserole and cobbler and dressing and wine and ham and pies and pies and cobbler and ham and beer and cobbler and ham and squash and eggnog and wine and cranberry and ham and ham and cordial and turkey and ham and pies and squash and dressing and cordial and dressing and pecans and wine and cranberry and ham and wine and casserole and wine and dessert and ham and dressing and pecans and pies and ham and pies and wine and cobbler and eggnog and casserole and turkey and pumpkin and squash and pumpkin and pies and dressing and pies and dessert and casserole and casserole and casserole and cobbler and pecans and cobbler and pumpkin and pecans and wine and cordial and stuffing and turkey and pumpkin and cordial and pecans and pumpkin and ham and turkey and casserole and beer and pecans and beer and stuffing and squash and squash and turkey and pecans and cranberry and pies and wine and cordial and squash and wine and pies and cordial and turkey and dessert and wine and pumpkin and wine and ham and casserole and eggnog and cobbler and dressing and wine and stuffing and eggnog and eggnog and wine and eggnog and pies and squash and dessert and dressing and ham and stuffing and beer and ham and pies and pumpkin and cordial and turkey and wine and dressing and ham and turkey and cranberry and cordial and casserole and squash and cordial and ham and squash and stuffing and cordial and casserole and squash and pumpkin and casserole and beer and pies and dressing and pecans and beer and cranberry and casserole and beer and cobbler and turkey and ham and dressing and beer and turkey and cobbler and wine and dressing and pecans and cobbler and casserole and casserole and beer and dressing and dressing and ham and eggnog and beer and pies and pies and cordial and casserole and turkey and eggnog and cobbler and squash and wine and eggnog and pecans and squash and cranberry and turkey and ham and dessert and turkey and cranberry and casserole and wine and cobbler and pies and dessert and cobbler and turkey and eggnog and dessert and cranberry and
