NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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Deconstructing Yogi Berra with #NNNGM #131

Open railsagainstignorance opened 4 years ago

railsagainstignorance commented 4 years ago

Hi, inspired by the Wired article, which mentioned Nick Montfort's blog post, which mentioned your NaNoGenMo initiative, here is a stab at #NNNGM (Nano-NaNoGenMo).

This is a second go at the Permute algorithm. The Yogi Berra saying, "You can observe a lot by watching", was a more pleasing starting point than the previously-used, arbitrary phrase. As each word is unpacked into alternatives, different meanings come and go in waves. The sequence starts Yogi, and ends Zen.

The generated novel is yogi.txt. (55040 words)

The code which generated it is An overview of the algorithm is in the script comments. 251 237 chars. Required significant refactoring to make room for the extra Yogi text.

It's all in this repo.

railsagainstignorance commented 4 years ago

extract from Deconstructing Yogi Berra

(55040 words, produced for NaNoGenMo) (Generated by 251 chars of code, for Nano-NaNoGenMo). By Chris Gathercole (

You can observe a lot by watching. You can observe a lot by seeing. You can observe a lot by listening. You can observe a lot by doing. You can observe a lot with watching. You can observe a lot with seeing. You can observe a lot with listening. You can observe a lot with doing. You can observe a lot without watching. You can observe a lot without seeing. You can observe a lot without listening. You can observe a lot without doing. You can observe a lot in watching. You can observe a lot in seeing. You can observe a lot in listening. You can observe a lot in doing. You can observe much by watching. You can observe much by seeing. ... All may gain it without watching. All may gain it without seeing. All may gain it without listening. All may gain it without doing. All may gain it in watching. All may gain it in seeing. All may gain it in listening. All may gain it in doing.