NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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Paradissssse Lossssst ("serpent-ify") #145

Open cmontemo opened 4 years ago

cmontemo commented 4 years ago

This novel, Paradissssse Lossssst, is generated using Python (which I find appropriate given the theme) in order to "serpent-ify" an inputted text. Using the Plain Text file of Milton's Paradise Lost from Project Gutenberg, this code replaces every lowercase "s" with at least 3 to at most 9 "s's" (creating random degrees of snakiness with each generation) and replaces every uppercase "S" with "Sssss." With this program applied to my selected text, I reflect upon what it would be like for the Serpent to tell Milton's tale. It gives a very distinct sense of narration and impacts the tone and mood of the piece. I'm finding it fairly entertaining to read the output aloud.

In the future, I'd like to apply additional "s's" that would coincide with different ssstressssssssesssss on words. I think that this method of transforming a text could be entertaining if applied to other works.

My work on this NaNoGenMo novel is part of my Creative Coding course taught by Zach Whalen at the University of Mary Washington. This is my first NaNoGenMo submission, and I hope to participate with more complicated works in the future!

My code: Input text file: paradise.txt Sample output: paradissssse_novel.pdf