NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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An End of Tarred Twine #147

Open samplereality opened 4 years ago

samplereality commented 4 years ago

An End of Tarred Twine

An End of Tarred Twine is a randomly generated Twine hypertext version of Moby Dick. It's interactive and nonlinear and serendipitously fun. But good luck following the story!

I created this Twine version of Moby Dick for National Novel Generation Month (NaNoGenMo) 2019. The heart of the project is a Python program that breaks Herman Melville's 1851 masterpiece into 2,463 individual Twine passages. Next, the program uses the SpaCy natural language processing module to identify several named entities and verbs in each passage, and then link them randomly to one of the other over 2,463 passages. The program generates a twee file (twee being the equivalent of Twine markup). Finally, I use the command line compiler Tweego to generate the actual Twine HTML file. The source code is all on Github.

Live version:

Necessary components are:

Some stats:

