NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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Yoga Ipsum-esque Novel #58

Open karlmarx opened 4 years ago

karlmarx commented 4 years ago

I made a novel from a Grindr ipsum generator already, but I want to take it a bit further with enhanced generated text and various paragraph and sentence structures filling in the content with enhanced ipsum that is still based on randomness but with more overall literary structure. I'm not completely sure how this will look but will probably use Python. I made the yoga ipsum generator as a SFW version of the NSFW Grindr ipsum generator I made for the previous NaNoGenMo submission, but I plan to retool it quite a bit for this.

greg-kennedy commented 4 years ago

I went to your site and generated 5 paragraphs, it worked!

Om Om inhale third eye center heart center stillness. Powerful deep relaxation, bikram gaze deeper warrior. Gaze heart-opener equanimity ujjayi inhale savasana asana rinse. Yin yoga namaste, asana mind, focus hatha yoga mudra exhale utkatasana paschimottanasana. Focus ashtanga heart center reach third eye center. Equanimity savasana breath of fire reach ground down third eye center savasana ardha chandrasana pranayama deep relaxation shoulder integration! Heart center exhale lengthen balance exhale. Ground down hug in adho mukha svanasana alignment, deep relaxation expand open, your body exhale crowtober. Intentional balance reach all ten toes ardha chandrasana heart-opener inhale mindfulness, paschimottanasana rinse third eye center. Inhale savasana stillness downward-facing dog alignment buti karma cleanse downward-facing dog. Inhale expand out on and off the mats all ten toes drishti rejuvenate tadasana stillness pranayama on and off the mats? Inhale renew focus equanimity expand out! Hug in deep relaxation Om, bandha rinse inhale exhale exhale yin yoga. Inhale mindfulness buti, mudra exhale. Exhale exhale release balance upward-facing dog alignment deeper powerful balance ardha chandrasana. Upward-facing dog namaste intentional ardha chandrasana pranayama stillness. Create space release expand out deeper. Inhale stillness mindfulness intentional inhale engage your core inhale utkatasana. Mind meditation in motion expand open inhale meet yourself where you are trikonasana buti, meditation in motion on and off the mats renew. Mudra release mudra bandha yin yoga your body asana engage your core hatha yoga your body. Exhale engage your core engage your core shoulder integration! Utkatasana meet yourself where you are breath of fire hatha yoga breath of fire namaste heart center. Lengthen meet yourself where you are Om, inhale drishti expand out. Mindfulness meditation in motion adho mukha svanasana, ashtanga downward-facing dog inhale shoulder integration navasana. Feel the earth beneath you intentional yin yoga exhale Om pranayama inhale modification ground down. Balance modification, engage your core flow reach breath of fire heart-opener heart-opener focus exhale. Rinse all ten toes meditation in motion feel the earth beneath you chaturanga, deeper inhale exhale adho mukha svanasana bikram. On and off the mats focus meet yourself where you are deep relaxation all ten toes modification, powerful chakra balance exhale. Renew inhale ujjayi adho mukha svanasana vinyasa, upward-facing dog hug in chakra heart center! Expand open powerful chaturanga on and off the mats gaze utkatasana. Shoulder integration drishti exhale powerful utkatasana breath of fire.