NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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A Book of Spells #61

Open spurll opened 5 years ago

spurll commented 5 years ago

Generate a book of enchantments, curses, and cures

spurll commented 5 years ago

Thanks for closing those duplicates @hugovk! I tried to create this during the GitHub outage and kept getting 500s; I didn't realize it had actually created all those issues... 😅

hugovk commented 5 years ago

No problem, I've seen that happen before!

splendid-snail commented 5 years ago

Glad to see another occult-themed project! Keeping an eye on this one

LuRsT commented 5 years ago

Looking forward to this! +1 to what @splendid-snail said!

spurll commented 5 years ago

It didn't turn out quite how I originally envisioned it, and the code is a rushed mess, but I think I'm going to call this project complete!

spurll commented 5 years ago

Here are three representative samples of the output:

Brish's Omnibus of Blasphemies

Scholarly Record of Forbidden Charms and Cures

Muriyell's Helpful Research into Conjurings and Obscenities

hugovk commented 5 years ago

Congrats! Here's a preview :)

Dos's Dedication of Mind


2 spoons phloem of wolfsbane


Facing north, heat a cauldron over a well-banked fire of pine and cedar.

Add phloem of wolfsbane to the prepared vessel.

Add nose of gnome. Add mud. Stir once.

Add trouble.

Add sanctity and mix thoroughly.

While mumbling, fold in cadmium. Carefully add laughter.