NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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n00b proves failure always option #90

Open H4X-T3H-4STR4L opened 4 years ago

H4X-T3H-4STR4L commented 4 years ago

Hey folks! I'm a complete beginner at coding; at GitHub culture, protocol, and etiquette; and probably other relevant things to completing this task. I do have an overwhelming desire to participate as a creative type though, along with many quacky and probably naive or impractical/impossible ideas to try and implement.

I'm already in love with some of the other projects here. I'm quickly trying to figure out where to start with all of this, and I'll update this (if that's the correct thing to do) once I know what is actually achievable in the limited amount of time I have left this month.

hugovk commented 4 years ago

Welcome along! We're only using GitHub as a sort of forum for posting entries, no need to worry about the "GitHub way of doing things" for this. Code doesn't have to be posted on GitHub, it can be anywhere. Just ask if you've any questions.

Feel free to update here as you go along. Some people do, but no obligation. Have fun!

H4X-T3H-4STR4L commented 4 years ago

Ok, I think I have an idea that could work. Not sure if it is ok to do though, or if it has been done previously. The basic idea would be to use something like a Markov chain that uses for its source material previously completed NaNoGenMo novels. Any problems with this?

H4X-T3H-4STR4L commented 4 years ago

I have no idea how to code this, but here is how I imagine it works. If anyone reads this and sees something that is impractical or could be achieved in a more efficient way, please feel free to correct my thinking.

  1. Go to Github NanoGenMo 2013 ISSUES

  2. Search Tag COMPLETED

  3. Randomly select six completed novels ("N")

  4. Pair them N1+N2, N3+N4, N5+N6

  5. Randomly select X pages from N1+N2 (X = amount large enough for a decent "dictionary" but not too large to be inefficient- I'm not sure what that amount should be)

  6. Combine selected pages into source 1-A

  7. Run Markov Chain Generator from source 1-A print 2,383 words as "Chapter 1-A"

  8. Repeat 5-7 for N3+N4 to generate chapter 1-B

  9. Repeat 5-7 for N5+N6 to generate chapter 1-C

  10. Go to GitHub NaNoGenMo 2014 ISSUES

  11. Repeat 2-7, but shift naming protocol from 1-A, 1-B, 1-C to 2-A, 2-B, 2-C

  12. Go to 2015 ISSUES ...etc... (six sources from each year, 2013-2019, combined in pairs to generate three sources for seven chapters)

  13. until chapter 7-C

  14. Then, compile 1-A through 7-C into a 50,043-word novel.

My thinking is that this will make smaller sections from different "voices." More like Rashomon in its narrative. I assumed this could keep the actual reading of it somewhat interesting (if anyone would actually read the whole thing). More of a novel experience. I haven't actually checked through all years to see if there are enough source novels, but obviously things could be tweaked.

H4X-T3H-4STR4L commented 4 years ago

Starting to find some resources that might help me along, failure is still an option.

List of Resources to Explore

lee2sman commented 4 years ago

What you outlined above is logical - it's basically a write-out in pseudocode, congratulations, you're on your way to thinking computationally! My only caution is that you may be shooting to deliver above where your skills currently lie. Try for much smaller goals to start. Perhaps a madlibs-style approach first. And then slowly, iteratively, you'll improve your program bit by bit, adding more functionality as you go.

A recommendation: Nick Montfort's Exploratory Programming would be a great introduction for you.

H4X-T3H-4STR4L commented 4 years ago

Thanks! My skills are definitely near zero. I’m experimenting with some different stuff that I’ve found available for now. Going to aim high and probably end up settling for whatever I can kludge together.

Definitely going to check out the recommendation! Thanks again!