NaNoGenMo / 2020

National Novel Generation Month, 2020 edition.
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Labyrinth of text #23

Open enkiv2 opened 3 years ago

enkiv2 commented 3 years ago

Intent: lay out existing text as a generated multicursal labyrinth, where branches occur only when the same word occurs multiple times in the source text.

enkiv2 commented 3 years ago

The current plan is to: 1) take the initial input text and lay it out as the left side of a single (complete) path, adding random 90-degree kinks in order to make it a bit harder to identify 2) iterate over that input text again, and branch on duplicated words (in the style of dissociated text / other travesty generators), veering off at 90 degrees from the original path 3) repeat step 2 on all the visible text until the page is filled (i.e., no area has more than two line-height's worth of whitespace) or we've run out of opportunities to branch

The idea is that somebody would try to 'solve' the maze and 'read' their solution, but if they followed the wrong path (or even an indirect one), they'd 'read' back a path that's a mutation of the original text.

Unlike with my comic book thing from a few years ago, the layout here won't be recursively-smaller rectangles (or else it'd be too easy to solve!); instead, I'll probably implement it as a random walk that avoids edges and self-intersection.

enkiv2 commented 3 years ago

So, my geometric reasoning is terrible & I'm having an unreasonably hard time with my initial test of this code (just laying text out in a spiral).

I got an interesting-looking layout, at least: Mis-spiral 1

enkiv2 commented 3 years ago

So, this isn't going to happen this month. I will do something else, & try to finish this later.