NaNoGenMo / 2020

National Novel Generation Month, 2020 edition.
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Naked Fear, Loathing, Pride, Prejudice, and Brunch at Tiffany's (in Las Vegas). #34

Open hornc opened 3 years ago

hornc commented 3 years ago

This is going to a continuation of my ideas from last year in

Treating vocabularies as numbering systems, and works composed from them as large numbers, to be manipulated.

Following some very good advice last year I switched focus towards the end of the month to ensuring I actually had 50k words in some kind of format that was readable, rather than bug free code that was pure and true to a half-baked concept that only I was judging on. It was a good exercise in project management: focus on the results that matter.

I was happy enough with the results last year. Some of the bugs / issues with the tokenisation of the source material seemed to make the output more interesting, and my attempts last year to fix it resulted in (if I remember correctly) less interesting output, so I embraced the glitches and accomplished the goal of producing a generated novel using a simple arithmetic operation on a text.

This round I want to: