NaNoGenMo / 2020

National Novel Generation Month, 2020 edition.
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Intent to participate: Crash Blossoms, or: History Above the Fold #44

Open tfurrows opened 3 years ago

tfurrows commented 3 years ago

NaNoGenMo is a solution to a problem that I have, of a dataset with no purpose. Within the month, I intend to use the R language to convert my data into a generated novel of (hopefully) 50k works or more. The title hints at the dataset: "Crash Blossoms, or History Above the Fold".

This is my first time doing a NaNo*Mo, wish me luck!

tfurrows commented 3 years ago

I've only ever written one thing in R, so this is a great excuse to do a little bit more with a language that seems quiet suited to large datasets.

tfurrows commented 3 years ago

Apparently my dataset will produce a prodigiously large novel. I have an idea on how to make the program generate two versions of the book, with what I believe will be a comedic sort of twist.

tfurrows commented 3 years ago

All the data in a single volume would be too much. I'm going to use the same script to generate 4 volumes, one for each year from 2017-2020. I believe each volume will be well over 50k words.

tfurrows commented 3 years ago

R is a pleasure to use on large sets of data!

I was able to generate several books of various types and sizes, and I like the results. I've never used git for much, so I guess that's the next thing to learn as I post my small mess of files.

tfurrows commented 3 years ago

Another benefit of nngm2020 for me: I setup my first github repo! I knew this would be fun.

My completed novel(s) for nngm2020 can be had here:

hugovk commented 3 years ago

Congratulations on your first NaNoGenMo, your second thing in R, and your first GitHub repo!