NaNoGenMo / 2020

National Novel Generation Month, 2020 edition.
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Mario's Big Adventure #59

Open abehmiel opened 3 years ago

abehmiel commented 3 years ago

Mario's Big Adventure

This is a procedurally-generated novel output from a lua script that watches a user play Super Mario Bros for the NES on the FCEUX emulator. When events in the game occur, the script will listen for changes in the RAM table and output text to a file, recording Mario's journey in a narrative style.

Finished output is ~76600 words, playing the game through from 1-1 to 8-4 without warps. I had a tough time with world 8, as you can see. It's not particularly engaging, but it is accurate to the frame ^_^ it's also not really paginated particularly well, but details, details.

Code is available to create a SMB1 narrative yourself! All you need is a ROM of SMB1

hugovk commented 3 years ago


Mario stands up, brushes off his overalls, and gets ready for another go. Mario begins running. Mario lands on solid ground. Mario sees a buckling platform in the distance. Mario enters a new area. Mario is inside Bowser's castle. Mario begins to slow down. Mario falls off an edge. Mario lands on solid ground. Mario begins walking. Mario falls off an edge. Mario sees a Podoboo in the distance. Mario lands on solid ground. Mario begins running. Mario sees a buckling platform in the distance. Mario jumps. Mario lands on solid ground. Mario abruptly changes his direction and starts skidding. Mario begins walking. Mario jumps. Mario lands on solid ground. Mario begins running. Mario jumps. Mario lands on solid ground. Mario abruptly changes his direction and starts skidding. Mario falls off an edge. Mario uses the bizarre physics of the Mushroom Kingdom to his advantage and changes the direction of his movement in midair. Mario lands on solid ground. Mario begins walking. Mario begins running. Mario jumps. Mario lands on solid ground. Mario jumps. Mario glances at his watch and realizes that there are now 380 units of time remaining in this stage. Mario lands on solid ground. Mario sees a clockwise firebar in the distance. Mario falls off an edge. Mario lands on solid ground. Mario is really zooming through the level! Nothing's getting in the way! Mario jumps. Mario stumbles and falls into a pit.