NaNoGenMo / 2020

National Novel Generation Month, 2020 edition.
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Brutus and Cassius, at the close of the scene #76

Open leonardr opened 3 years ago

leonardr commented 3 years ago

Brutus and Cassius, at the close of the scene is the first known novel to be translated to English from the Tamarian language.

greg-kennedy commented 3 years ago

Could you give some more explanation on how this works? Is all the code in the browser or was it generated with some other tool? I see this in the news updates page:

  • Sun Nov 29 2020 16:17 Brutus and Cassius, at the close of the scene: While you're waiting for Situation Normal to come out, you can enjoy the novel I just released as my NaNoGenMo project. Brutus and Cassius, at the close of the scene is the first English novel written in the Tamarian language. The data comes from a bot I was working on when I decided a) this bot was going to be a ton of work for almost no reward; b) corollary, I'm kind of done making bots. Works great as a NaNoGenMo though! It's really fun to read.
leonardr commented 2 years ago

Hi, Greg. I generated this NaNoGenMo novel ahead of time with a Python script; you can see the source code if you view source on the web page. However the real work was done ahead of time with a second script that pulled Tamarian sentences out of English-language books, plus some manual work on top of that cleaning up the data. That's how I generated the various data files that are used to generate the novel.