NaNoGenMo / 2022

National Novel Generation Month, 2022 edition.
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Resources #1

Open hugovk opened 1 year ago

hugovk commented 1 year ago

This is an open issue where you can comment and add resources that might come in handy for NaNoGenMo.

There are already a ton of resources on the old resources threads of previous editions:

nmifsud commented 1 year ago

There are 1500+ useful/curious datasets in the Data Is Plural archive. This search interface is a neat way to surface datasets related to your interests.

verachell commented 1 year ago

New tool for those using images

This is not as immediately relevant to NaNoGenMo since there is no requirement for images in a NaNoGenMo project, but I thought I'd mention this new tool just in case anyone happens to be using images.

For participants who wish to easily generate multiple images, there is the Image Generator from Photo Subsections.

It is a bash shell script, which from one or more input photos, obtains non-overlapping subsections from each photo giving a range of circular png images and horizontal rectangular jpg images.

This is helpful for those who want to quickly and easily generate a series of simple images for generative fiction or for quick mock-ups. These images do not look fancy but are ideal for when you just need to generate multiple simple and non-meaningful images quickly.

The script is particularly well suited to modification for other purposes and use cases, for example extra image processing to add artistic effects and/or output of other dimensions of images.