NaNoGenMo / 2022

National Novel Generation Month, 2022 edition.
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Memoirs of a failed poet #27

Open yashkens opened 1 year ago

yashkens commented 1 year ago

The plan is to create some kind of a monologue of a "virtual poet", whose life is coming to an end. His creations were never understood or appreciated by readers, so he is trying to explain the meaning of his nonsensical poems in his memoirs.

Maybe there is some meaning behind nonsense generated by language models. I am going to try and "ask" them to explain :)

The code will probably consist of two generative models: one for writing close-to-meaningless poems and another one to explain them.

But that's just a plan, so we'll see how it goes :)

yashkens commented 1 year ago

The finished version should be a collection of similar (or hopefully better) poems with an attempt to analyze them:

I am the music of a voice under water, I am a fish.

My scales are many-hued, my feet are fins; In my throat is a sea-shell. The light of the sun Is caught in my scales and in the fin of my tail.

The red and the blue Of the skies that pass by Me When they come down to our level.

This poem presents the speaker’s view of his life in an unusual way. He begins by saying, “I’m a fish with a soul.” In this piece, the reader finds himself in a very mysterious world of fishes that cannot understand the human being. The reader is made to feel as if he is a fish and the fish is standing over a human being and is watching the human being.

It's unfair, that the poem was not appreciated by the reader and the fish. The reader is a spectator, not aparticipant. In this poem, the “I am a fish with a soul” is a very symbolic way of saying, “I am a fish, and this is how I see myself.” It is also a way of saying, “I have no voice” meaning that I can't speak and tell the world how I feel.

Concluding this section, the reader sees the fish as being a symbol of the speaker. He is a very mysterious creature in this poem, because he does not speak, and the reader cannot understand him.

p.s. Poem and Analysis are generated separately :)

yashkens commented 1 year ago

Here is my entry: Analysed Poems The code can be found here: Poetry Interpreter

It's really far from 50k words (it's about 7k words now, but more can be easily generated) and it's also not a novel in any way.
Anyway, I think it turned out pretty entertaining so I am sharing the results :)

The idea was not to just make Neural Poet and Neural Poetry Analyser, but to make it look like a book with poem analysis secretly created by their author, because he belives no one understood his ideas and it's really unfair!

yashkens commented 1 year ago

Here is one of my favorites as a picture for those who don't want to download the pdf


hugovk commented 1 year ago

Well done! Would you like to generate a 50k word version so the Official 2022 NaNoGenMo Committee can tick their boxes and grant a completed label?

yashkens commented 1 year ago

If it's not too late, here is an expanded version: Poem Analysis 50k+

50k+ words and 200+ poems

hugovk commented 1 year ago

The Official 2022 NaNoGenMo Committee grant a completed label! :tada: