NaNoGenMo / 2023

National Novel Generation Month, 2023 edition.
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Press and other coverage #2

Open hugovk opened 9 months ago

hugovk commented 9 months ago

Links to previous years:

hugovk commented 8 months ago

Over 50 Programmers Generate 50,000-Word Novels For 9th Annual 'Nanogenmo' Event

This year's computer-generated novels include " sunday in the sunday in the," mapping the colors from each dot in the Pointillist painting Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte onto words from the lyrics of a musical about that painting. ("Rush blind. Link adds shallot again....")

savetz commented 8 months ago

I talk about NaNoGenMo and my project Fifi's Big Adventure (and some of my favorite entries from other people from previous years) in the new episode of the Eaten By A Grue podcast. .. The discussion of those things starts at 17 minutes 15 seconds.

greg-kennedy commented 7 months ago

NaNoGenMo 2023

NaNoGenMo stands for National Novel Generating Month, an originally satirical response to the idea of NaNoWriMo, a US-based non-profit based around the idea of writing a novel. Artist-programmer Darius Kazemi tweeted in 2013 that NaNoWriMo defines a novel as 50,000+ words, and promptly set up the idea for artist-programmers to generate a novel of at least 50k words. This is the 10th anniversary of that original year, and by our count there are least 17 completed novels this year so far.

Extra coverage of #20 !

lee2sman commented 7 months ago

Oh thanks! I was just coming here to add my email newsletter and you beat me to it!

I suppose next year I'll have to automate the creation of a podcast...and/or newsletter.