NaNoGenMo / 2023

National Novel Generation Month, 2023 edition.
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The Daily Fremony #7

Open kevandotorg opened 8 months ago

kevandotorg commented 8 months ago

I'm going to take a third, fresh run at an Obra Dinn / Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective style mystery book, and probably fall back on some other quick idea when it doesn't work out again after three weeks.

verachell commented 8 months ago

Keeping eyes on this - it looks very interesting!

kevandotorg commented 7 months ago

I gave up on the mystery book idea again, and have concluded that it's an idea better approached outside of NaNoGenMo.

So instead, a quick and hacky joke based on the legendary 1979 "fremony at the library" misprint from the Peterborough Standard, applying its format to 50,000 words of news stories - erratically repeating the end fragment of the first sentence and eventually just switching to a sports report. Inspirations of the month were B S Johnson and repetitious but superficially plausible AI news content.

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