NaPoGenMo / NaPoGenMo2021

National Poetry Generation Month 2021
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Dirty Poetry #5

Open bibliotechy opened 3 years ago

bibliotechy commented 3 years ago

Poems made from the dirtiest OCR data available from the Library of Congress's Chronicling America dataset of historical Newspapers.

And by dirty, I mean OCR that looks like:

J t- IV .'J tv -'-'
3:i;t-'-' i.M iipnUcntioo to, , '
.1 J. .Viwifint,. N,.'.A.,17; Vahiitoatit.,Iks.ul.
J to, 5 ;S0 p. in. and l.'. 'll .. in. Trains connect at
and aouttt, ot ! a. in., !?..; and 3.1ft p. m. The
(."tli tour, iloii, lm-me-fi in ;ih istiite-.

y tho?

Every data project starts with a long slog of cleaning up the data to be useful. Well, this project is conceived under the idea of "What if we leaned into our bad data? What if we took it on it's own terms, and didn't judge it. Where might it take us?"

And the answer is: this absolute nonsense right here.


They looks like this:

»-„aI obituary poetry not be submitted for publi

i Groceries at No. Mnu, Street "(..L
u^ Fred a Brown and ·οη Willian
kj i u si vie ta.-. ,y-,,jin
luring the last half centur; . Not le..-l

soiac of tin ir make :i: .!. - iin
Rheumatism, gout, obesity and nenrous diseases =^£l
, i pi',. I II llr'llllll. lei strike order to he o(T...-'l\o Mnn

should ('(Pine directly from th,* Island**. Tbe
b-!a.'. n.a ii,!i. n tor the il,
G. L. Ouklns, Or W ';: Miss attie Mors,
r," "Yes, sir, we got a parrot."--E

covi ?:\.-? loi: a BOX U BEBT LIT.
upon ?getting away at eon .? i??? tibie
upon ?getting away at eon .? i??? tibie
Tsmphlet i-ont Irio I y t ? ..;lil.i!ir v :.

fra la vie 25. ma e .'<ma
1 .n is for ile ehaaa n .a ?.??.
Nik lini weal Main street, 10 rooms. ?.".00.
Gel mm explicitly am.ojniC.-. that German subma

ETHlott, cnorai freight agent of Ihe gt. I.?.
Joseph Bond, af Mjcc-,, t? made thia
fra la vie 25. ma e .'<ma
giqe.-L'iar 4e M a do £.-O. du 23.

SE'f'Tlt’ tank*, pump*. cbem:-.*l tn a'*
^ i,.;,,rj,,u-. ?? -i :i ii) tha Deutocratk borough of Man*
•» «»*d hf are —and II they hay* /
BC_of, .?uuiiii | ;_? all u tiiau- a. i_

1 ii- booka of ii.... . i p. n.
1.  UMBSEN A C 0.,-1 Montgomery st.
. 1 95 Columbus street......... New Orleans.
r.o,u!r«>d da?n: Th«- hour of >-«.ur birth a. m.

More poems, plus a short write up and the code at

lizadaly commented 3 years ago

Love this!