NabuCasa / home-assistant-google-assistant-local-sdk

Google Assistant Local SDK implementation for Home Assistant
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Local query not being triggered #33

Open ggear opened 1 year ago

ggear commented 1 year ago


As above, I have configured each of the components as per the instructions and when debugging the google side, I can see successful IDENTIFY and REACHABLE_DEVICES intents but the QUERY and EXECUTE handlers are never invoked, despite trying multiple permutations of the following:

The Google devices seem to have flagged each reachable device as without a local path and always fall back to cloud, without even trying. This is despite the fact they happily connect to the HAAS instance via the MDNS announcements, which are fully resolvable from devices on the same network. My nginx reverse proxy sees the fallback EXECUTE and multiple QUERY requests from the Google cloud at each reachable device operation. No attempt is made to run these locally. If I disable Support local query in my google action, the fallbacks occur even when the Google device is placed into LOCAL mode. If Support local query and LOCAL mode are both enabled, the Google device reports that each reachable device is not available and I have to return the Google device to DEFAULT mode to have the fallback work again.

I note that others have had this issue with the Google firmware that I am on (1.56.324896) here and not when at least one device was on an older firmware, perhaps that is the issue? Can anyone confirm they have local fulfilment working with this (and only this) Google firmware?

So to me, it looks like there has been some behaviour change on the Google side and the question is if we can code around that or not:

Any thoughts are appreciated, I am highly motivated to resolve this issue, it is the last weak cloud link I have in my environment and I am keen to optimise it as much as possible.

Debug-1 Debug-2 Debug-3
ggear commented 1 year ago

Also this report seems to show I am not alone with this issue, since the start of 2023.

I should also note that although I had configured for local fulfilment for some time before this, but given it seemed to just work, I never looked into that much until I recently was investigating further. I presume it was previously working, but it could have just been falling back to cloud operation, so I can’t be sure.

Local fulfilment seems very finicky, which is a shame, seems like such an opportunity!

Caprico85 commented 1 year ago

I can't really speak for NabuCasa. But mikejac/node-red-contrib-google-smarthome and andrei-tatar/node-red-contrib-smartnora are having the same problem.

This seems to be a problem on Google's side. A fix is expected mid-May. See

ggear commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Caprico85, that looks like the issue, I appreciate the heads up.

I may investigate how to block my Google devices from upgrading their firmware in the future once I get software stable, given Google’s poor responsiveness.

Caprico85 commented 12 months ago

Google released a new firmware for their speakers, which fixed local execution. At least for node-red-contrib-google-smarthome. I guess it's the same for NabuCasa.