NabuCasa / universal-silabs-flasher

Flashes Silicon Labs radios running EmberZNet or CPC multi-pan firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[REQUEST] Support for Silicon Labs Z-Wave 700/800 OTW flashing of Z-Wave Controller #66

Open Hedda opened 3 months ago

Hedda commented 3 months ago

Requesting support in "Universal Silicon Labs Flasher" tool for flashing Silabs Z-Wave 700 series and 800 series firmware via OTW,

And/or other implementation needed for also Zwave Controller OTW updated to be possible via "Silicon Labs Flasher Add-on":

I believe this is a relevant request now that Nabu Casa has joined the Z-Wave Alliance and is working towards Z-Wave certification:

I think this feature would also be appropriate considering the new partnership between Silicon Labs and Nabu Casa:

After all, every single Z-Wave Controller SoC chip available today is designed and manufacturered by Silicon Labs:

Thus this enhancement feature request for Z-Wave OTW, to automatically enter bootloader mode and flash firmware GBL image.

FYI, Silicon Labs also already provides pre-built firmware image downloads for Z-Wave Controller via their Gecko SDK (GSDK):

Example, see latest sample downloadable "zwave ncp serial api controller" GBL files for Silabs supported Z-Wave chips today:

The same firmware images are also included in the Simplicity Studio SDK installation directory

Please consider adding support to flashing OTW firmware ZW Serial API Controller GBL updates on Z-Wave Controller USB sticks.

Same zwave OTW upgrade process and flash method for ZW SerialAPI Controller Firmware over UART serial interface should also be applicable to all Z-Wave Controller radio USB adapter dongles, radio modules, network-attached gateways, and SoCs.

Note! Z-Wave 500 series OTW programming is slightly different from Z-Wave 700 and Z-Wave 800 series which is the same:

For reference, Z-Wave JS UI app already has support for performing OTW (Over-The-Wire) firmware update of Z-Wave Controller.

PS: Think this would align with goal of Home Assistant founders / Nabu Casa of "Streamlining Experiences" for HA frontend/GUI?

puddly commented 2 months ago

Have you tested it?

Hedda commented 2 months ago

Have you tested it?

No, I actually just assumed universal-silabs-flasher did not support it since there is no mentioning of the zwave ncp serial api.

Is it supported? Can universal-silabs-flasher already communicate with Z-Wave SerialAPI to automatically enter bootloader?

By the way, note the latest "known issues" regarding OTW update here:

and change to OTW Update of Serial API controller in version 7.20 of the Z-Wave SDK:

PS: I have previously been using the official Simplicity Commander from Silicon Labs to perform Z-Wave Controller OTW upgrade: