NachiketaVadera / EBookDownloader

This is an Android project that uses Jsoup to parse and find ebooks to download.
MIT License
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Translation pt-br #5

Closed iraamaro closed 5 years ago

iraamaro commented 5 years ago


What would be the best way to start the translation?


NachiketaVadera commented 5 years ago

@hanelore Hey. Thanks for taking up interest for contributing in the app. Honestly, I'm quite new so I don't understand what you mean by translation. Could you provide with some details? Thank you.

iraamaro commented 5 years ago

You are welcome. So, translations of app I have used the native structure (/app/src/main/res/values/pt-br) and change strings.xml file.

Or in some situations, projects use

My question is about your structure. Thanks again.

NachiketaVadera commented 5 years ago

@hanelore Hey. Sorry for the late reply! The structure is pretty straightforward. You can make one of your own too. I'd know more if I review a PR or something. Would you like to be assigned the task?