NachiketaVadera / EBookDownloader

This is an Android project that uses Jsoup to parse and find ebooks to download.
MIT License
44 stars 12 forks source link

Using a more accurate book providers #9

Open Janglee123 opened 5 years ago

Janglee123 commented 5 years ago

I searched for "javascript", " algorithm", etc. But every time this app can't find any book.

Try out it has every book that you can find on the internet.

NachiketaVadera commented 5 years ago

@Janglee123 Hey, thanks for taking up interest in improving the app. Libgen is only one of the sources that I am planing to parse to get books. However, I am currently stuck with other things but I'll update the app ASAP.


Janglee123 commented 5 years ago

Please, do it. This app is highly helpful for students. You will find a large amount of audience. Honestly, I am looking for the same kind of app and thought to make one by myself but due to lack of knowledge in android development, I don't. I would glad to contribute to the project. Thanks

NachiketaVadera commented 5 years ago

@Janglee123 Sure. Thank you for suggestions and encouragement. You can contribute to the project however you see fit, whether it be marketing or development.