Nadrieril / dhall-rust

Maintainable configuration files, for Rust users
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Support for dhall serializer #164

Closed rlecomte closed 3 years ago

rlecomte commented 4 years ago

Do you plan to implement dhall serialization as It have been define?

Thank you for giving your time on this implementation by the way

Nadrieril commented 4 years ago

Dhall serialization into CBOR is implemented, because it's needed for the semantic cache. I'm not planning on making it accessible in the serde_dhall api however. Do you have a usecase in mind for it ?

rlecomte commented 4 years ago

Sure! I would like to print the loaded dhall configuration on a web endpoint. I could use JSON instead but if there isn't any technical issue for doing that, why don't use dhall?

Nadrieril commented 4 years ago

Oh, do you mean printing the dhall value as text then ? That would make more sense in the api, I could support that

rlecomte commented 4 years ago

It would be great!

Nadrieril commented 4 years ago

I've started working on this, but won't have time to finish it just yet. It'll get done eventually but I can't promise a timeline