Naezr / ShyFox

A very shy little theme that hides the entire browser interface in the window border
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Extension buttons are sticking #60

Open Naezr opened 1 week ago

Naezr commented 1 week ago

Just leaving this here to let you know that this bug is known and researched

A prime example: Toggle the checkbox number 3 in the Userchrome Toggle popup with the mouse. I rename it to "Hide Navbar", the default is just "Style 3". If you do this, the toggle will work, but with it the popup will disappear and the button will remain active as if the popup were open. To get rid of this you can restart your browser or turn off and on the extension

Similar behavior was also noticed with uBlock Origin. Only sometimes, when you click on the reload button inside a uBlock popup, the popup disappears and the button gets stuck.

This can be explained by the fact that popups from extensions are html children of #nav-bar - the panel with url bar. All other popups are children of #mainPopupSet - a separate node for popups.

And when #nav-bar is touched in some way, like toggle or something else, then the popups get squished. This is a bug in Firefox itself, not my theme. It's just that in vanilla all elements are static and have almost no animations. With the help of css #nav-bar except me nobody seems to have touched so deeply. That's why this bug came up only in such an unbelievable use case.

At the moment I don't have time to deal with Firefox developers, explaining to them the essence of this intricately woven bug that appears only when using some unknown css theme. Moreover, I don't know how to send bug reports to Firefox.

There's a small chance this can be fixed on the theme side, I'm not denying it. But I have no options at all on how to fix it, no clues at all.

I don't even know how to program properly myself, I'm just a schoolboy with a lot of free time. Yes, I am learning, but my level is obviously not enough. This theme is literally my first serious project, I learned while creating it.

If you are a Firefox developer or an enthusiast with enough knowledge and skill to figure out the Firefox source code, then just do it. Let's make our favorite open source browser even better!

Naezr commented 1 week ago
