Open T100D opened 5 years ago
After reverting to 1.9.11 and updating to 1.9.12 the problem is not there. We will be trying 1.9.13 later.
Today we tried updating from 1.9.12 >> 1.9.13.
The problem stil remains onliy the admin user is able to view pages, and other users are not.
I can not reproduce an issue here. I can also not find a related change between 1.9.12 and 1.9.13.
The problem may be related to your user/role settings (which are stored in etc/nagvis/auth.db file). Are your guest users permitted to view maps and is the guest role assigned to the user in question?
Hi Lars,
The users are permitted to see the maps and rotations, the can even select them, but it delivers an empty page. The Guest user has the role Guests Under the account where the can login.
These are the role and permission in 1.9.12.
User roles: [{"roleId":"3","name":"Guests"}]
User permissions:
What we do see is that the default Guest has the roles Users (read-only) and Guests, but changing this and updating nagvis does not solve the problem.
apache acces_log (no problem here): - XXX [18/Jul/2019:15:30:09 +0200] "GET /nagvis/frontend/nagvis-js/index.php?mod=Map&act=view&show=Haven_Gent HTTP/1.1" 200 26899 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" 128632
In php.ini we configured date.time and in chrome the chrome browser now shows the pages, but in IE and our display presenting the website the problem is still there.
Further investigation shows Firefox, Chrome & Edge can show the maps and rotations, our display and IE (11 )can't show it after the update, so it appears to be browser related.
Could this be related to some underlying NagVisCompressed.js or anything related. Page code is not much different between the releases?
The problem persists in 1.9.14 :-(
chrome - okay IE 11 - not okay (no views) firefox - okay flat tv - not okay (no views)
Version 1.9.12
Errors in Version 1.9.14 in IE:
NagVisCompressed.js 4631,23 (one of the files changed)
Yes, I guess root cause are the same!!!
I've posted this issue also here:
A workaround is suggested already, but would be better to fix it in next version v1.9.15 ;-)
With version 1.9.15 The IE problems are solved, but our Samsung DM48D with hospitality browser ain't able to show nagvis content anymore. It's not possible to troubleshoot the problem and ther isn't a software update for the screen :-(
apche acces_log client ID: Mozilla/5.0 (SmartHub; SMART-TV; U; Linux/SmartTV+2014; Maple2012) AppleWebKit/537.42+ (KHTML, like Gecko) SmartTV Safari/537.42+
Debugging in Firefox 69 leads to the following statement:
Synchrone XMLHttpRequest op de hoofdthread wordt niet meer ondersteund vanwege de nadelige effecten op de eindgebruikerservaring. Zie voor meer informatie NagVisCompressed.js:1943:5
Line 1945:5, url, !args.sync);
After Updating to 1.9.13 we have problems with guests. Only the admin user can view all the pages and rotations, and the guest and other users can only login, but can't view any page or rotations, the page stays blank in IE
In chrome the rotation starts but on every page the error "You are not permitted to access this page (General/getContextTemplate/)." or "You are not permitted to access this page (General/getHoverTemplate/)." is displayed.
Nagvis 1.9.13 php 5.6.40
Backend nagios/check_mk