NagVis / nagvis

Visualization addon for your open source monitoring core
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Database] Add option to use SSL / TLS option to connect to MariaDB databases #295

Closed delmelo closed 2 years ago

delmelo commented 2 years ago

I use Centreon (version 20.10.4) and Nagvis to displays monitor objects in maps.

I would like to enable SSL option for connecting to my MariaDB server and avoid using login:password.

In nagvis.ini.php file, I define a "centreon_backend" and I can only set dbname and dbpass parameters:

[backend_centreonbroker] backendtype="centreonbroker" statushost="" dbhost="{{ host_name }}" dbport=3306 dbname="{{ mysql_centstorage_db }}" dbuser="{{ Centreon_mariadb_username }}" dbpass="{{ Centreon_mariadb_password }}" dbinstancename="default" htmlcgi="/centreon"

This new feature can secure connections from MariaDB and Nagvis using certificates and avoiding clear text information including exchanged passwords between the server and client.

Versions : Centreon : 20.10.4 MariaDB server : 10.3.17 Nagvis : 1.9.25

LarsMichelsen commented 2 years ago

It's a feature of the backend you use, it's not part of NagVis. You will have to contact the author of your backend to get support with this.