NagabhushanSN95 / SimpleNeRF

Official code release accompanying the paper "SimpleNeRF: Regularizing Sparse Input Neural Radiance Fields with Simpler Solutions"
MIT License
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About validation #4

Closed kkennethwu closed 5 months ago

kkennethwu commented 6 months ago

Hi, thanks for your great work.

I've tried the training on LLFF dataset, and modified the validation interval in demo1a config to 10000 to do validation. There seems to be some errors on validation.

NagabhushanSN95 commented 5 months ago

Hi, thanks for your interest in our work. Yes, validation doesn't work. It's a stale code. We didn't find much use of validation and hence we haven't fixed it. Rest of the code should work fine without validation.

kkennethwu commented 5 months ago

Oh I see! Thank you!