Imagine a command (call it check_eric) that does this:
$USER1$/check_dummy $ARG1 $ARG2
Now imagine a service template (call it st_eric) that does this:
command: check_eric
ARG1: 0
ARG2: <blank>
Lastly, imagine a service that:
use st_eric
ARG1: <blank>
ARG2: This is my ARG2
ARG2 from the service will never be used because ARG2 from the template is blank. So even though a "more specific" setting is in the service description, it is ignored because it's using a template.
This is not consistent with other template settings.
We'd like to see the arguments (or the command, actually) allowed to be overridden at the service level even if a template has some of them specified. This would make for a much more powerful templating system.
This request is from eloyd in the Support Forum