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Solaris 11.4.69 (SRU69+) with - linker isn't picking it up #1175

Open bish0polis opened 1 week ago

bish0polis commented 1 week ago

Hi everyone,

I'm encountering some challenges rebuilding ncpa 2.4.1 for Solaris 11.4.69 after the changes in SRU69 for libffi, and I'm hoping someone else has seen this before.

Our process:

  1. $ gtar xzf v2.4.1.tar.gz ncpa-2.4.1/build/resources/Python-2.7.18.tgz --wildcards --to-stdout | tar xzf -
  2. $ (cd Python-2.7.18 ; ./configure --with-system-ffi && make)
  3. {more stuff }
  4. $ gtar xzf v2.4.1.tar.gz
  5. $ Python-2.7.18/python -n

And that's where we see: ImportError: python: open failed: No such file or directory

So it's not finding the which is there: image


But, here's what I'm hoping:

The good news is that we were able to generate a usable PKG for 2.4.1 in SRU<=68, so I know we can get close.

bish0polis commented 6 days ago


I know it's in the build of python27 . I can feel it in my spleen. But I can't ldd the static binary and --enable-shared produces a fiesta of


... NO, really! 120k lines of that so far! ...with solutions that don't look tasty and also don't seem to change things (eg -fPIC)

Still chipping at it.

sawolf commented 6 days ago

I know about v3.x.y but the task is 2.4.1 pending a proper review of 3 and its better python options

Just so you know it, our internal team is more focused on getting NCPA 3 to work on Solaris. The project lead is on vacation at the moment but I think we'll see more movement on it soon. Hopefully, we'll run into enough of the same issues that we can share solutions "back" to older builds

bish0polis commented 5 days ago

Just so you know it, our internal team is more focused on getting NCPA 3 to work on Solaris.

Our team meeting has just ended, and were just discussing ditching 2.4 and rebasing on 3. One of the seniors did look at 3 on 11.3 or 11.4 and decided a change in the code introduced a lot of dependencies that made it essentially a non-starter. The news that it's possible and a listed goal will be welcome.
