NagiosEnterprises / ncpa

Nagios Cross-Platform Agent
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Question: Running NCPA inside a container. #848

Closed metabsd closed 2 years ago

metabsd commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible to run NCPA in a container to be able to monitor certain services like DNS queries or network performance tests.

Thank you!

ericloyd commented 2 years ago

Welllll, you could run it in a container, but the container would be the thing reporting status, not the host system. So that is not likely what you want. If you just want a worker that does work, then you're more likely interested in mod_gearman. NCPA is an agent designed to be installed on the machine that you're going to be querying for information.

metabsd commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to think of a solution that would allow me to run context monitoring of Openshift. So I was thinking of running a container agent in Openshift to collect DNS and Speedtest metrics.

ericloyd commented 2 years ago

NCPA can run in most any *ix or Windows environment. So you could certainly run it in a container. But it would be limited to seeing what that container is allowed to see, so I'm not sure the benefit of doing so. Plus, it's not really a "hey, NCPA, go run this command for me" type thing. If you want to do that, SSH is better, and if you want to make it scale, mod_gearman is even more better.

But nothing's stopping you from installing NCPA in a container, exposing port 5693 (or whatever port you use) and then connecting to it and having it run modules that check stuff.

metabsd commented 2 years ago

Thx, I will explore the mod_gearman option.