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Feature Request: interface check needs ability to specify do wildcard/all interface check #965

Open MrPippin66 opened 1 year ago

MrPippin66 commented 1 year ago

This is similar in scope to the need for disk/logical checks to apply to all filesystems.

The interface check needs an option to check against all interfaces or a regular expression that can match one or more interfaces.

The specific case in question I need to be able to alert against is interface errors, namely input/output errors.

Also, we need to have an logical "or" or "and" designation for the check types for namely for "errin" and "errout" for the specific case I need to address.

The check needs to be able to specify "delta".

The general case is being able to alert if any adapter is getting more an a given number of errors per second on any adapter, whether that's "errin" or "errout".

sawolf commented 1 year ago

Hi @MrPippin66, thanks for reaching out. I haven't been in the code here for awhile, but I agree that those requests sound reasonable. We'll see what we can do.

MrPippin66 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, this is generally the same issue with disk and interfaces in that you have to specify a specific disk or interface and can't group multiple checks all within the same branch.


disk and inode usage for all or a subset of disks network errors of all types for all interfaces or a subset of interfaces etc.

I've been looking forward to be able to replace the function of "check_disk" for quite a while. Other than the need to be able to check filesystems that require privilege to access.