Naguissa / uRTCLib

Really tiny library to basic RTC functionality on Arduino. DS1307, DS3231 and DS3232 RTCs are supported.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
87 stars 24 forks source link

Removed Warnings and added an example #11

Closed ArminJo closed 4 years ago

ArminJo commented 4 years ago

Hi Nagussia,

in uRTCLib.cpp I added a few parenthesis in alarmSet() to avoid warnings.

And since it is a wonderful library, I would like to add an example of setting date by Serial Monitor I could no find in any of the other RTC libraries or other sources. It also contains some functions for printing the date in 5 different formats (and 2 languages :-))

It would be very nice if you can merge/add this to your repository, for everyones benefit.

Best regards Armin

P.s. I was not successful to keep the original indentation with my editors, so the diff of uRTCLib.cpp is quite large. Sorry.

ArminJo commented 4 years ago

Hi, if you like I can support you with automated testing by Travis. It is quite easy, if you know how to do :-)

Naguissa commented 4 years ago


It seems perfect; I'll check it on some hardware tomorow and do a new release.

About Travis testing, I have it on my ToDo list, but I've still not checked anything. It seems to consist on any kind of tool integration, right? If it's the case I prefer to do it by myself, because I can apply it to all my projects in the same place.

Anyway, very thanks you!

ArminJo commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for merging, so I can delete my fork :-) For travis I started with and used their script for most of my repositories, And maybe you find this counter useful Hit Counter

Good luck Armin

Naguissa commented 4 years ago

Thanks! I was just trying it. Now I'm in my tablet, so I cannot do heavy work, but I can test this kind of things....

About the counter, I have GitHub stats, but it really dones't mind to me; I do these libraries because I need them in my (hobby) projects, and I find them useful, so I ignore about hits, usages, clones, forks... If anyone ask me anything here I try to help, but my "main" work is other.


Naguissa commented 4 years ago

Testing the new example it seems to fail in most platforms due to use of progmem (ssprintf_P, sscanf_P, etc). AVR supports it but most other platforms doesn't.

I'll try to reconvert to standard string before releasing; at the end, that's an example so you don't need to try so hard to reduce memory consumption....

ArminJo commented 4 years ago

I tried to use compiler switches to avoid PROGMEM for other platforms, but I did not carefully test it. Please let the AVR optimisation in it, since I use it in my robot code, and I already have 80% FLASH usage.

ArminJo commented 4 years ago

Changing line 157 to

#if defined(__AVR__)
        sscanf_P(tInputBuffer, PSTR("%2hhu %2hhu %2hhu %2hhu %2hhu %2hhu"), &tHour, &tMinute, &tSecond, &tDayOfMonth, &tMonth,
        sscanf(tInputBuffer, "%2hhu %2hhu %2hhu %2hhu %2hhu %2hhu", &tHour, &tMinute, &tSecond, &tDayOfMonth, &tMonth,

let me compile for esp32 without errors.