NahuelSovos98 / STS_InternalReviewBot

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LA - Compare LA R1029 returns with local returns #31

Open NahuelSovos98 opened 1 year ago

NahuelSovos98 commented 1 year ago

Check Martin case. STS_REVIEWSHEET_NEVROSTS.xlsx June 2023 - Ask Citrix environment.

See why there are just 2 values. Find a pattern and rebuild the logic.

NahuelSovos98 commented 1 year ago

Change logic. For each LA return:

  1. Get Filing type (Monthly or Quarterly)
  2. Get Gross Sales
  3. Check If return belongs to Non-Local states (LA R-1029 ; LA R-1029E ; LA R-1031) Get Return Type (Local State - NonLocal state)
  4. Save LegalEntity - FilingType - ReturnType - ReturnName - GrossSales in temporary txt file.
  5. Go to the next return

At the end of the bot:

  1. Look for the NON LOCAL returns (by Return Type).
  2. For each Non Local return
    1. Get its Local returns (By LegalEntity and Return Type)
    1. Check FilingType
  3. If FilingType = Monthly ; Compare Return Gross sales with NON-LOCAL Gross Sales. Write in the review sheet if they are not equals.
  4. If FilingType = Quarterly ; Write in the review sheet "This return is Quarterly. The gross sales is XXXXX"