Closed st-sathish closed 7 years ago
Hi @st-sathish!
Thank you! Which version of directive are you using? I have tried with v0.38.0 and it works fine.
P.D: if you want to see the description field as popup message, you have to do something like:
$scope.glLayers = [
id: "places",
type: "symbol",
source: "places",
layout: {
"icon-image": "{icon}-15",
"icon-allow-overlap": true
popup: {
enabled: true,
onClick: {
message: "${description}"
I'm using v0.36.1.
Try to use v0.38.0 @st-sathish, I think I fixed that issue in the past.
@Naimikan I'll try. Thank you for your quick response :)
@Naimikan one quick question. Whether your latest v0.38.0 support previous angular version? Currently, I'm using angular v1.4.7.
Hi @st-sathish! Yes, no problem about angular v1.4.7
Thank you
Hi @st-sathish, it worked?
@Naimikan , we already have a code which is not in angular in a separate page using traditional map-box java script code. After a long month our client asked me to develop a new page to integrate map-box for their new requirement without disturbing existing code so I tried your lib to avoid lot of boiler plate. But now they were asking to integrate this functionality to their existing code. so I couldn't able to integrate your code due to continuously delivery me too want to follow the existing code. Sorry for that inconvenience. If I've necessity to integrate angular mapbox I'll use your lib on top and definitely I'll tell the feedback.
Oh! ok, don't worry @st-sathish!
Thank you!
Hello Naimikan, Thanks for your great library. I was trying to load sample json data along with new layer to add a marker on the map but unfortunately, the marker was not showing. The sample data in a non-angular way, It means using map-box script add-layer is working fine. below is the code I was trying.
angular-way: In html:
In JS Controller file:
Is there anything am doing wrong? I didn't get any error in the console also.