A very important functionality is missing in my opinion that allows for easy and pleasant way give posybilisty input/deliver value to scenarios. It give possibility customization of the script. It's about the "InputBox" which should accept a value from the user and return it as a variable. This change should, of course, be used later in scenarios.
Describe the usage
User receive massage and there must put value. This "InputBox" which should accept a value from the user and return it as a variable. This value should, of course, be used later in scenarios.
Describe the feature
A very important functionality is missing in my opinion that allows for easy and pleasant way give posybilisty input/deliver value to scenarios. It give possibility customization of the script. It's about the "InputBox" which should accept a value from the user and return it as a variable. This change should, of course, be used later in scenarios.
Describe the usage
User receive massage and there must put value. This "InputBox" which should accept a value from the user and return it as a variable. This value should, of course, be used later in scenarios.
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