Naios / continuable

C++14 asynchronous allocation aware futures (supporting then, exception handling, coroutines and connections)
MIT License
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Add conan recipe #12

Closed mailagentrus closed 5 years ago

mailagentrus commented 5 years ago


Is it possible to add conan ( C++ open source package manager) recipe and publish on bintray? It will be really helpful for other depelopers. For example: third party developer can add

[requires] continuable/3.0.0@naios/stable

to own project without any source compilation. If you @Naios want I'll try to prepare basic recipe for win/linux/mac and will prepare pull request.

Naios commented 5 years ago

I added a non intrusive conan file which only provides the continuable headers and imports function2 as dependency for the header only mode. CMake targets are not provided yet. The package is currently only available as continuable/3.0.0@naios/testing which reflects the current git revision because 4.0.0 is not fully stable yet and I don't want to backport the conan file changes to the 3.0.0 tag.

I would be open for a contribution which fully adds the capability to use the CMake targets from the conan provided package itself.