Naios / continuable

C++14 asynchronous allocation aware futures (supporting then, exception handling, coroutines and connections)
MIT License
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Amalgamation for 4.0.0 #31

Closed Gei0r closed 4 years ago

Gei0r commented 4 years ago


Congratulations on release 4.0.0, the changes look really useful. Get's a feeling of javascript's Promise and async/await into C++!

Anyway, can you please provide an amalgamation for release 4.0.0 and link it in the documentation?

Naios commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I generated a new amalgamation for 4.0.0:

I'm going to link it into the documentation.

Naios commented 4 years ago

Just as note: The amalgamation header only contains the headers that require the C+ standard library and function2 which is included as part of the header. The include/continuable/external/ headers which extend (boost) asio and GTest are not included.

Spongman commented 1 year ago

can we get one for 4.1.0 ?

I would also prefer it if the headers used relative includes so it's use was not dependent on a -I compiler flag, or env var, eg.:

in continuable_base.hpp:

#include "continuable-primitives.hpp"
#include "continuable-result.hpp"
Naios commented 1 year ago

If you like, you can create an amalgamation that fits your needs:

I think it uses this tool:

The shell script is located in: tools/amalgamate/

Simply running this script should be enough to create the header, you can tweak it to fit your needs afterwards.

Spongman commented 1 year ago

i have tried doing this, but i can't get it to work. it wowuld be great if someone could post an amalgamation of the most recent release on here.