Naios / continuable

C++14 asynchronous allocation aware futures (supporting then, exception handling, coroutines and connections)
MIT License
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"There is no way to call the given object with these arguments" #56

Closed Spongman closed 1 year ago

Spongman commented 1 year ago


It looks to me like the documentation is suggesting that this is possible:

   std::vector<cti::continuable<int>> futures;

      .then([](std::vector<int> &&futureResults) {})

but i get this:

continuable/detail/utility/util.hpp:157:25: error: static assertion failed: There is no way to call the given object with these arguments!
  157 |         sizeof...(Args) > Keep,

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clang 15 on godbolt gives the same error.

Spongman commented 1 year ago

sorry, just a typo, ignore this...