Naios / continuable

C++14 asynchronous allocation aware futures (supporting then, exception handling, coroutines and connections)
MIT License
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Tagging a 4.2.1 release? #62

Closed nextsilicon-itay-bookstein closed 1 year ago

nextsilicon-itay-bookstein commented 1 year ago

@Naios hi!

We consume the library through conan, and were wondering whether you could tag a 4.2.1 release to include the two minor fixes accumulated since 4.2.0 (the fix to the unsafe_unlocker compilation failure + the clang coroutines detection fix).

I think once a tag is made I could open a PR to include it in .

Thanks for considering!

Naios commented 1 year ago


sure, I have created a 4.2.1 tag that includes the latest commits:

nextsilicon-itay-bookstein commented 1 year ago

Thanks! 🙏