Naios / continuable

C++14 asynchronous allocation aware futures (supporting then, exception handling, coroutines and connections)
MIT License
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make_continuable over executor #64

Closed elazarl closed 9 months ago

elazarl commented 1 year ago


continuable has a way to execute then on an executor.

But Is it possible to create a new continuable over an executor?

Of course you can always do something like

make_ready_continuable<void>().then([](){ this_thread.sleep_for(1s); fmt::print("yo\n"); }, executor);

But the documentation discourages you from making thy ready continuable in vain.

Naios commented 1 year ago

executor is specified to be an object that just accepts a callable which itself is invokable such as cti::work.

struct my_executor {
  template<typename T>
  void operator()(T&& callable) {
    std::forward<T>(callable)(); // Can dispatach the callable from another thread.

The answer to your question is not directly related to continuable itself. You can always dispatch the start of your continuation chain from any thread e.g. by passing a lambda to the executor directly.

The only issue here is that for instance the cti::work object callable needs to be callable as r-value reference which usually is not the case for an ordinary lambda. A wrapper class can help out circumventing this, in case the executor accepts cti::work directly:

template <typename Callable>
struct work_wrap_t {
  template<typename... T>
  auto operator()(T&&... args) &&
    -> decltype(std::move(callable_)(std::forward<T>(args)...)) {
    return std::move(callable_)(std::forward<T>(args)...);

  Callable callable_;
executor(work_wrap_t([] {

Overall the answer to this question highly depends on the actual implementation of your executor and which parameters it accepts for initiating the dispatch.

elazarl commented 1 year ago

I'm not entirely sure I understand.

How do I get a continuable from executor().

On the other hand, as you wrote, you can always use an executor directly in then expressions.

continuable<int> c;
c.then([](){foo();}, executor);
// equivalent to:

So I'm still not sure, why is executor useful for then, but not for make_continuable?

I might be missing something fundamental here, so feel free to explain the very basics I got incorrectly.

Naios commented 1 year ago

Did you take a look into async_on, maybe this is the solution to your question?

cti::continuable<> c1 = cti::async_on([] {
}, executor)
elazarl commented 1 year ago

Thanks. The problem I've had with that, is that the Callable my executable accepts seems to be of the terse type

cti::detail::base::work_proxy<cti::detail::base::decoration::invoker<(lambda at /home/elazarl/.conan/data/continuable/4.2.1/_/_/package/5ab84d6acfe1f23c4fae0ab88f26e3a396351ac9/include/continu
able/detail/core/base.hpp:339:7), cti::detail::identity<tl::expected<ns::elrond::mem_mgr::migration_result, std::error_condition>>>, (lambda at ../elrond/libs/mem_mgr/src
/mem_allocator.hpp:858:13), cti::detail::base::callbacks::final_callback<tl::expected<ns::elrond::mem_mgr::migration_result, std::error_condition>>>'

Which is not type-erasable to fu2::unique_function<void()>. When I do that by hand, I'm passing a lambda there eventually, which is type erased.

Naios commented 9 months ago

It seems like this issue was resolved. If you have any further questions or issue reports open a new ticket please.