NaixGames / Polycosmos

Mod for integrating Hades into AP Multiworld
MIT License
3 stars 3 forks source link

Styx Scribe crash when reloading save file. + Possible Tight Deadline issue #15

Open Zyruvias opened 2 months ago

Zyruvias commented 2 months ago

Loading in the save gives the following crash:

By clicking Submit, you agree to send Supergiant Games this information, your current save data, and the screenshot above.This information will only be used for investigating the reported bug.

Version: Release 38290
Renderer: Dx11 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti (vendor id: 0x10de   model id: 0x2782   rev: 0xa1)
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0
RAM: 31864
Cores: 12
64-bit: True
Region: en-US

Screenshot: Hades_551.png saved in C:\Users\cdnur\OneDrive\Documents\Saved Games\Hades\Screenshots
Script Crash: StyxScribe.lua:110 000002B9B814D630

Lua Stack Trace: 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hades\Content\Scripts\Main.lua:420: 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hades\Content\Scripts\StyxScribe.lua:110: error in callback function: 000002B9B814D630
 at l_msghandler in d:\jenkins\workspace\minos_pc_latest\gsge\engine.native\code\helpers\luaext.cpp:line 335 (0x00007ffb5f6885c5)
 at luaD_precall (0x00007ffb5f80e800)
 at luaD_call (0x00007ffb5f80e490)
 at luaG_errormsg (0x00007ffb5f809e90)
 at lua_error (0x00007ffb5f807cc0)
 at luaL_error (0x00007ffb5f80ae60)
 at luaD_precall (0x00007ffb5f80e800)
 at luaV_execute (0x00007ffb5f814da0)
 at luaD_call (0x00007ffb5f80e490)
 at luaD_rawrunprotected (0x00007ffb5f80ed10)
 at luaD_pcall (0x00007ffb5f80e6a0)
 at lua_pcallk (0x00007ffb5f808440)
 at sgg::ScriptManager::Update in d:\jenkins\workspace\minos_pc_latest\gsge\engine.native\code\script\scriptmanager.cpp:line 223 (0x00007ffb5f70ab0d)
 at sgg::World::Update in d:\jenkins\workspace\minos_pc_latest\gsge\engine.native\code\world\world.cpp:line 922 (0x00007ffb5f799eaf)
 at sgg::GameplayScreen::Update in d:\jenkins\workspace\minos_pc_latest\gsge\engine.native\code\gui\screenmanager\screens\gameplayscreen.cpp:line 78 (0x00007ffb5f63298a)
 at sgg::ScreenManager::Update in d:\jenkins\workspace\minos_pc_latest\gsge\engine.native\code\gui\screenmanager\screenmanager.cpp:line 566 (0x00007ffb5f6213b1)
 at sgg::App::Update in d:\jenkins\workspace\minos_pc_latest\gsge\engine.native\code\app.cpp:line 782 (0x00007ffb5f4cb25b)
 at sgg::App::UpdateAndDraw in d:\jenkins\workspace\minos_pc_latest\gsge\engine.native\code\app.cpp:line 575 (0x00007ffb5f4ca81d)
 at sgg::HadesMainApp::Update in d:\jenkins\workspace\minos_pc_latest\gsge\engine.native\windows\code\program.cpp:line 2443 (0x00007ffb5f80207c)
 at WindowsMain in d:\jenkins\workspace\minos_pc_latest\gsge\the-forge\common_3\os\windows\windowsbase.cpp:line 1174 (0x00007ffb5f7b5aee)
 at AppMain in d:\jenkins\workspace\minos_pc_latest\gsge\engine.native\windows\code\program.cpRAM usage: 33% (~20 GB available or 22107934720 bytes)

Attached is the save file. Our current room is:

Not sure if this is related: Was on a max heat run that just unlocked Tight Deadline 1 -> Tiight Deadline 0, the timer persisted on the savefile despite not being applicable. Got a "time's almost up" in the game. Not sure if this weird state is the cause of the crash or not but clearing the timer when this unlock happens specifically would be nice.

Zyruvias commented 2 months ago

I do not take tight deadline damage, so this is just a visual bug and not critical.

NaixGames commented 1 month ago

I can connect to the room using the savefile without any issues, so the problem might be some other mod or local difference.

Some things that come to mind; install the StyxScribe pointed in the readme and also use ModUtil version 2.10.0 (there was an update to 2.10.1 which seems to break compatibility)

NaixGames commented 1 month ago

it could also be some issue in the version you are using (0.9.0) which is well behind the actual one (0.10.1)