NaixGames / Polycosmos

Mod for integrating Hades into AP Multiworld
MIT License
4 stars 3 forks source link

Quality of Life (QoL) and Reverse Heat Extreme Measures Scripts #4

Closed doesboknow closed 6 months ago

doesboknow commented 6 months ago

I've started working on modifying the base game to accommodate the Polycosmos Archipelago Mod. The following changes are provided:

1.) New script PolycosmosQoL.lua has been added, with the following properties: a.) Unlock all possible sales from the Wretched Broker without need for progression through biomes b.) Notes added for future QoL items, like unlocking Broker, House Contractor, and Fated List of Minor Prophecies upon the first failed run instead of when they normally unlock.

2.) New script PolycosmosExtremeMeasures.lua has been added, with the following properties: a.) This is a placeholder, only comments and no code, but the comments explain the future functionality of the script. b.) I kept this separate from the QoL .lua since it will only be active if Reverse Heat is active, and it's also recommended for it to affect logic if this works. These details are in this lua script's comments as well.

3.) Modified modfile.txt to import PolycosmosQoL.lua and PolycosmosExtremeMeasures.lua

Note: Please feel free to remove references/files for PolycosmosExtremeMeasures.lua, I'm keeping those here for me specifically. (I probably could've kept those in my fork and not pulled them but I haven't touched GitHub in a while.)