Added redirection node for heredoc + infile.
token->cmd will be DELIMITER or FILENAME.
token->type will be enum HEREDOC or IN_FILE.
Added function which adds spaces after NON-LITERAL ( |, >>, <<, >, < ). Minishell now supports "ls>out".
Fixed sep_dollars function where 'i' went over ft_strlen which resolves issue #30.
Added more logic to expander so now handles "export $var=naji" which resolves issue #31.
How? Expander expands up to '=' if exists in string or whole string if no '='.
Added redirection node for heredoc + infile. token->cmd will be DELIMITER or FILENAME. token->type will be enum HEREDOC or IN_FILE.
Added function which adds spaces after NON-LITERAL ( |, >>, <<, >, < ). Minishell now supports "ls>out". Fixed sep_dollars function where 'i' went over ft_strlen which resolves issue #30. Added more logic to expander so now handles "export $var=naji" which resolves issue #31. How? Expander expands up to '=' if exists in string or whole string if no '='.