Create a JavaScript front-end app to find the shortest path to exit from a labyrinth and visualize the movements using SVG:
The labyrinth is a rectangular table of W * H block. Each block is either empty or holds a wall. The starting position is an empty cell inside the labyrinth. Moving is allowed from one empty block to a neighbour empty block in one of the 4 directions: up, right, down, left.
Allow choosing from several predefined labyrinths.
Allow choosing the starting position inside the labyrinth.
Find the shortest path to escape from the labyrinth. If several shortest paths exist, choose one of them. If no escape exists, print appropriate message.
Animate the movements from the starting position to the exit.
This is how your solution might look like (but feel free to implement it differently):
Your project's source code should be in your GitHub profile, along with the full commit log, which demonstrates the development efforts over the time.
Your project should be live, deployed in GitHub Pages.
Steps to Accomplish This Assignment
[ ] Learn the BFS (Breadth-First-Search) Algorithm
Create a JavaScript front-end app to find the shortest path to exit from a labyrinth and visualize the movements using SVG:
This is how your solution might look like (but feel free to implement it differently):
Your project's source code should be in your GitHub profile, along with the full commit log, which demonstrates the development efforts over the time.
Your project should be live, deployed in GitHub Pages.
Steps to Accomplish This Assignment