Naltox / telegram-node-bot

Node module for creating Telegram bots.
MIT License
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Connection error timed out. #183

Open mostafaebrahimi opened 6 years ago

mostafaebrahimi commented 6 years ago

{ "ok": true, "result": { "url": "", "has_custom_certificate": false, "pending_update_count": 8, "last_error_date": 1504354270, "last_error_message": "Connection timed out", "max_connections": 40 } } Bot not response to telegram and no error display in console

mikeedi commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem. Did you solve this?

mostafaebrahimi commented 6 years ago

No.I didn't solve and I changed the language and platform :) I recommend python telegram bot

mikeedi commented 6 years ago

In my case it was closed port.

mostafaebrahimi commented 6 years ago

Really!? I checked with python telegram bot and didn't have any problem @siredukov

mostafaebrahimi commented 6 years ago

I used windows server and disabled firewall but it didn't worked. @siredukov

mikeedi commented 6 years ago

I use AWS EC2 instance, and just added open port in console settings.

mikeedi commented 6 years ago

Also. You don't have ssl certificate. Perhaps prolbem in this.

mostafaebrahimi commented 6 years ago

I generate my custom ssl and use it in python bot and it worked correctly.

mikeedi commented 6 years ago


mostafaebrahimi commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your help my friend :)