NamGyuKang / CosineSampler

Triple backward custom CUDA kernel for interpolation supporting third order gradients
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Questions about the offset #3

Open Mehdishishehbor opened 1 year ago

Mehdishishehbor commented 1 year ago


Is there any reason the offset is diagonal? Was this with try and error?

Thanks, Mehdi

NamGyuKang commented 1 year ago


The diagonal was chosen because it was quick and easy to implement. After that, I tried a method of giving an offset in a circle around the point to be interpolate, but the result was not good due to an implementation problem.

Alternatively, you can specify different offsets for the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis and I did try and it worked. Using linspace can be made by adjusting the spacing, and you can choose things like rand or uniform.

Give it a try! :)

I think a circular offset rather than a diagonal shape is the way forward.

Thank you very much for your continued interest. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to ask me!

Have a good day.

Sincerely, Namgyu Kang

Mehdishishehbor commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your quick response. I have some other questions:

NamGyuKang commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your questions.

I want to make sure my understanding is correct.

"grid to incorporate the next cells in the response the results" :

Umm we used multigrid because single grid's performance was not good for overfitting reason. And I understand you tried with one grid and the results were also not good. I think I am missing something. Please letting me know if I miss.

I tried the multivariable inverse problem of NS. For the forward problem, I tried hard to make it work, but the result was not good. And I guess the reason because of the curse of the dimensionality. Maybe more and more datapoints or multigrids increase the performance but I didn't try large scale (more than 500k points). In that time, I didn't have much time. But for NS training, I guess the offset's scale need to be changed maybe. I didn't try yet, but trying small scale of the offset is worthy. I tried vorticity form of the NS equation forward and our code equation for the forward. I hope to solve the NS well with the future work with using pixel approach.

For your information, I am now attending the AAAI 2023 for 1 weeks but I have enough time to respond. So if you have questions, please ask to me. I will reply as soon as possible. Thank you!!

Sincerely Namgyu Kang

Mehdishishehbor commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your response. Great work and good luck with your presentation. One more question that I have at this point is the scaling factors of loss terms (multipliers behind bc loss, pdf loss and etc) . How did you find those values? try and error?

NamGyuKang commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your words about pixel and thank you for wishing me good luck with the presentation.

I found the loss weighting values by dividing by 10 from 1 to 0.00001 and selected the one that learns well.

And after I found something that worked, I checked the values ​​around that value.

Thank you very much.

I hope my comments were helpful. I will keep watching the github issue messages!

Sincerely Namgyu Kang.