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Create write up on Civilian AI logic and how it navigates around a level #16

Open soulerlunar opened 3 years ago

soulerlunar commented 3 years ago

During a level, there will be various other vehicles on the road controlled by AI that will navigating as though the world is a regular city. To simulate real traffic, we will need to design AI to determine how they will move around.

Part of this has already been discussed: we are thinking of giving them random locations to go to, and then determining the path using Dijkstra's algorithm to find the fastest and most direct route.

We will discuss how we this to work, how they might interact with other vehicles and the player, and what elements to include.

Repsaj11 commented 3 years ago

Let me know when you're working on this as I'd love to be there for it.

RydalisDarx commented 3 years ago

The wiki page for the AI Logic has been made, but will likely be altered and changed at the game continues it's development. The flowchart is commentable for anyone who has the link. If anyone has any comments they want to make on this document, they can. Only edit it when the group working on it is present.