Using namelessmc plugin with authme doesn't allow my players to verify their accounts for some reason. I think it's because both plugins use a verification command. It'll say no permission for neither the ones I give perms too through luckperms. I was having an issue with some players saying they couldn't register, initially I went to setup the authmebungee and authme on backends in order to see if it fixed the issue including databases for them, but it didn't fix. So then I went and removed namelessmc plugin on my backend hub server and it immediately fixed the issue. Not sure why. No messages in console, and nothing to really apply here except for my experience.
NamelessMC Version
To Reproduce
Add authmereloaded to one of your servers preferably your hub server
Add namelessmc plugin onto the same server
De-OP yourself and give yourself the permissions you need to authenticate
I don't fully understand the issue, but if it's only a command conflicting, note that you can easily change or disable commands in the commands.yaml file (in the Nameless-Plugin directory)
Describe the issue
Using namelessmc plugin with authme doesn't allow my players to verify their accounts for some reason. I think it's because both plugins use a verification command. It'll say no permission for neither the ones I give perms too through luckperms. I was having an issue with some players saying they couldn't register, initially I went to setup the authmebungee and authme on backends in order to see if it fixed the issue including databases for them, but it didn't fix. So then I went and removed namelessmc plugin on my backend hub server and it immediately fixed the issue. Not sure why. No messages in console, and nothing to really apply here except for my experience.
NamelessMC Version
To Reproduce
Expected Behaviour
No response
No response
Additional Information
No response