NamelessMC / Nameless

NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features.
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Temporary bans/mutes #2399

Open Lion-King287 opened 3 years ago

Lion-King287 commented 3 years ago

That there is a function where you can ban users temorary/permanently and also mute so that e.g. users can not create a new post etc-.

samerton commented 3 years ago


Bans are possible in the StaffCP -> User Management -> Punishments tab

Mutes are an interesting idea - to achieve this currently you can create a new group in the StaffCP -> Groups tab and simply remove the permissions to post in each forum you have

enno123 commented 3 years ago

temporary Bans or ban templates are a very nice idea!