NamelessMC / Nameless

NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features.
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AuthMe: Use in-game username capitalization for NamelessMC username #2590

Open TheJoshue opened 2 years ago

TheJoshue commented 2 years ago

Describe the feature

If player has registered in-game with account (exactly like this) Test and goes to the website (while AuthMe integration is enabled of course) and inputs his username as test instead of Test, inputs his password, registers account and on site he will appear as (exactly like this) test while in-game he (most probably must) can't use other name than Test.

Why not, upon registering, ignore how player is writing his username case-sensitive wise (not password, only in-game username upon registration) and when he registers, nameless will check exactly how his name is written in the AuthMe database and fix his username (for example if he inputted tEsT upon registration, nameless will set it to how it's written in database, so if player has registered as Test, it'll set it like that)

TheJoshue commented 10 months ago
